land site

英 [lænd saɪt] 美 [lænd saɪt]

网络  土地点



  1. Clouds and rain in Florida forced NASA to land the shuttle at a backup landing site.
  2. The research result shows that land use classification, site location and building height are main aspects of land development intensity control in Hong Kong.
  3. Gully erosion damages land resources and causes site off environmental problems.
  4. The resettlement Department has arranged temporary transition land at200-300m next to present market site.
  5. Falsehoods are easily and rapidly propagated on the Internet: once you land on a site that asserts a false rumor as truth, hyperlinks direct you to further sites that reinforce the falsehood.
  6. Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem.
  7. That's no big deal for Web users once they land on a site.
  8. An underwater site is usually a shipwreck; a land site is often a village or part of one.
  9. Based on the analysis of archaeological discoveries and document records, the article discussed the sacrificial rite offered to land in the Shang city site of Zhengzhou city.
  10. Olympia is a sacred place. It is a Holy Land of sports. It is the site of the splendid culture of ancient Greece.
  11. Locals are objecting to the land being used as a disposal site for household waste.
  12. To take effective precaution measures to prevent the land occupied as construction site and for temporary use from scouring.
  13. Land development at this site is being carried out for public housing.
  14. At present, land leveling of the new school site is in progress.
  15. And it is really surprising to see ( that) there are such big pieces of land at West Kowloon and the Airport site is still vacant.
  16. With a discounting rate not less than 12%, the investment on the coppice forest manage-ment on the ⅲ land site is not reasonable;
  17. In view of minimizing the residential relocation, right-of-way requisition and making a rational use of land resources at the Bridge site, a rail-cum-road bridge type is selected for the Bridge.
  18. The sea engineering site compared with the land site is very complicated. Up to now there is no special standard or theory for the seismic safety evaluation at the sea engineering site.
  19. In line with inventories on current land resources utilization conditions of the demonstration site, scientific land use programmes are drwan.
  20. Through fitting the model, planting density of plywood timber forest of poplar clone I-69 should be not more than 286 trees per hm 2. The land with site index not more than 16m is not suited to management of plywood timber forest.
  21. The clones with high growth increment and fine wood quality were selected, which were C1, C2, C3, and C4, those clones could be applied with selection according to the concrete south Fujian mountain land site condition.
  22. The modified basic price of land can be used to express the land price level of residential site.
  23. Discussion on subdivision of land on planning for site control
  24. The subdivision of land is the basis of planning for site control.
  25. Barren and dry land in hilly area is an eco-environmental site type widely distributed and with the highest difficulty in eco-environmental engineering construction, and also the focal point of eco-environmental research and construction in China in recent years.
  26. There is few specialized legislation on rural residential land in our country, it generally serves the purpose of protecting cultivated land and prevents house site from occupying cultivated land.
  27. In order to prevent the underground water and the surrounding environment from the secondary pollution by the mud, the inner liners will be used on the land filling site to avid the outflow of the percolate.
  28. Borrowing Hicks-Kaldor Compensation Test and the sub-optimum principle, the regional compensation model of the heritage resource protected is made and the compensation mechanism of restriction the tourism construction land in nature culture heritage site: the right of land development is set forth.
  29. Analysis the Zhongxian natural, social and economic characteristics, rural man-land relationship, and analysis of new rural construction land situation. Then, studied to the new rural construction land planning and site selection.



  1. the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located)
    1. a good site for the school

    Synonym:    site